

Education, Scholarship

Esai LPDP Afirmasi

Para pendiri Republik ini adalah kaum terdidik yang tercerahkan, berintegritas. Mereka berkesempatan hidup nyaman tapi mereka pilih untuk berjuang. Mereka mengedepanan keteladanan yang menggerakkan. Hal inilah yang dibutuhkan bangsa Indonesia dewasa ini, anak-anak bangsa yang terdidik harus berdiri di garda terdepan untuk mengupayakan kemajuan bangsa. Indonesia dalam kurun waktu 2010 sampai 2035 akan mengalami bonus demografi, dimana kaum muda produktif adalah komposisi terbesar, dividen akan diperoleh jika pendidikan berhasil. Masa ini harus mampu dijadikan titik balik kebangkitan.


Accelerating the result of Indonesian education

Education is a long-term investment. The result is impossible to be acquired within a short time. As Confusius said, “If you want one year prosperity, grow seeds. If you want ten years prosperty, plant trees. If you want one hundred year prosperity, educate people”. What Confusius’s says has very strong implisit meaning. There is a hidden powerful effect of education. In the modern management education view, education is functiones to be technical-economic. The functionrefers to itcontribution to economy. Education guides the students to improve their knowledge and develop their skill, shape attitudes and good behaviour. All of this aspect is everything they need to lead their life and to compete in the competitive economy. So therefore, we could say that education is not only an instrument for the economic development, but also for economic growth.
